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Blogosfera do PSL-Ba

16 de Junho de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | 2 pessoas seguindo este artigo.

O Projeto Software Livre Bahia (PSL-BA) é um movimento aberto que busca, através da força cooperativa, disseminar na esfera estadual os ideais de liberdade difundidos pela Fundação Software Livre (FSF), possibilitando assim a democratização do acesso a informação, através dos recursos oferecidos pelo Software Livre. Esta busca tem seus alicerces fundados na colaboração de todos, formando um movimento sinérgico que converge na efetivação dos ideais de Liberdade, Igualdade, Cooperação e Fraternidade.

O Projeto Software Live Bahia é formado pela articulação de indivíduos que atuam em instituições publicas e privadas, empresas, governos ou ONGs, e demais setores da sociedade. Além disso o projeto não é subordinado a qualquer entidade ou grupo social, e não estabelece nenhuma hierarquia formal na sua estrutura interna.

Something's happening

23 de Fevereiro de 2015, 1:41, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

...trying to understand the meaning on citizenfour getting the oscar for best documentary 2014.


rmail: reviving upstream maintaince

15 de Fevereiro de 2015, 13:37, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

It is always fun to write new stuff, and be able to show off that shiny new piece of code that just come out of your brilliance and/or restless effort. But the world does not spin based just on shiny things; for free software to continue making the world work, we also need the dusty, and maybe and little rusty, things that keep our systems together. Someone needs to make sure the rust does not take over, and that these venerable but useful pieces of code keep it together as the ecosystem around them evolves. As you know, Someone is probably the busiest person there is, so often you will have to take Someone’s job for yourself.

rmail is a Ruby library able to parse, modify, and generate MIME mail messages. While handling transitions of Ruby interpreters in Debian, it was one of the packages we always had to fix for new Ruby versions, to the point where the Debian package has accumulated quite a few patches. The situation became ridiculous.

It was considered to maybe drop it from the Debian archive, but dropping it would mean either also dropping feed2imap and sup or porting both to other mail library.

Since doing this type of port is always painful, I decided instead to do something about the sorry state in which rmail was on the upstream side.

The reasons why it was not properly maintained upstream does not matter: people lose interest, move on to other projects, are not active users anymore; that is normal in free software projects, and instead of blaming upstream maintainers in any way we need to thank them for writing us free software in the first place, and step up to fix the stuff we use.

I got in touch with the people listed as owner for the package on, and got owner permission, which means I can now publish new versions myself.

With that, I cloned the repository where the original author had imported the latest code uploaded to rubygems and had started to receive contributions, but that repository was inactive for more than one year. It had already got some contributions from the sup developers which never made it in a new rmail release, so the sup people started using their own fork called “rmail-sup”.

Already in my repository, I have imported all the patches that still made sense from the Debian repository, did a bunch of updates, mainly to modernize the build system, and did a 1.1.0 release. This release is pretty much compatible with 1.0.0, but since I did not test it with Ruby versions older than than one in my work laptop (2.1.5), I bumped the minor version number as warning to prospective users still on older Ruby versions.

In this release, the test suite passes 100% clean, what always gives my mind a lot of comfort:

$ rake
/usr/bin/ruby2.1 -I"lib:." -I"/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby" "/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/test*.rb"
Loaded suite /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rake/rake_test_loader

Finished in 2.096916712 seconds.

166 tests, 24213 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed

79.16 tests/s, 11546.95 assertions/s

And in the new release I have just uploaded to the Debian experimental suite (1.1.0-1), I was able to drop all of the patches and just use the upstream source as is.

So that’s it: if you use rmail for anything, consider testing version 1.1.0-1 from Debian experimental, or 1.1.0 from if you into that, and report any bugs to the [github repository]( My only commitment for now is keep it working, but if you want to add new features I will definitively review and merge them.


9 de Fevereiro de 2015, 2:57, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda
Há também outro direito humano que raramente é mencionado, mas que parece destinado a ser muito importante: o direito ou o dever, que é o do indivíduo não cooperar em atividades que considere errôneas ou perniciosas.

-- Albert Einstein

(em algum lugar no livro "Alabardas, Alabardas, Espingardas, Espingardas" de José Saramago)

Raspberry Pi Foundation moving away from its educational mission?

4 de Fevereiro de 2015, 0:57, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

From the news:

"...we want to make Raspberry Pi more open over time, not less."


"For the last six months we’ve been working closely with Microsoft to bring the forthcoming Windows 10 to Raspberry Pi 2"


From a comment:

I’m sad to see Windows 10 as a “selling point” though. This community should not be supporting restrictive proprietary software… The Pi is about tinkering and making things while Microsoft is about marketing and spying.


From an answer:

"But I suggest you rethink your comments about MS, spying is going a bit far, don’t you think?"


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