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Publishing our recommendation to Oracle

6 de Junho de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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From time to time TDF is required to engage in private correspondence with parties, yet we are committed in our bylaws after a suitable period to make this content public.

In line with this commitment, and in order to demonstrate its reasonableness, we would like to publish our advice to Oracle on how best to transition the assets to TDF, in order to create a single, unified, sustainable community.

This offer was sent on the 22nd April, outlines our consistent position in those interactions, and we believe is both fair and reasonable. (Click here to open the PDF.)

The Document Foundation was notified of an Oracle announcement by Jim Jagielski, President of the Apache Foundation, barely 24 hours before the grant to the ASF was announced.

The Document Foundation Steering Committee


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