The registration for the LibreOffice Conference, taking place in Paris from October 12th to 15th, is now open. Everyone interested in joining the first annual meeting of the LibreOffice community is invited to register online at
to help the organizers in planning.
The LibreOffice Conference will be the event for those interested in the development of free office productivity software, open standards, and the OpenDocument format generally, and is an exciting opportunity to meet community members, developers and hackers. It is sponsored by Cap Digital, Région Île de France, IRILL, Canonical, Google, La Mouette, Novell/SUSE, Red Hat, AF 83, Ars Aperta and Lanedo.
The Call for Papers is also open until July 22nd, and paper submissions will be reviewed by a community committee.
We look forward meeting you in the heart of France, celebrating the first year of LibreOffice, and discussing the plans for the next months.
The Steering Committee of The Document Foundation
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