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LibreOffice Conference Program

19 de Setembro de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Paris, October 13 to October 15, 2011

Over 200 people – members of The Document Foundation and free software advocates – will gather in Paris to celebrate the first anniversary of the project and discuss ideas and new plans for the future

The Document Foundation announces the program of the first LibreOffice Conference, which will gather over 200 people – members of the project and free software advocates – in Paris from October 13 to October 15, 2011. The conference – which will be held in two locations: La Cantine de Silicon Sentier and the IRILL (Institut de Recherche du Logiciel Libre, or free software research institute) – is sponsored by: Cap Digital, IRILL and Région Île-de-France (Premium Sponsors); Canonical, Google, La Mouette, Novell/SUSE and RedHat (Gold Sponsors); AF83, Ars Aperta and Lanedo (Silver Sponsors). Logos and links to sponsors are available here.

On October 12, La Cantine will be open in the afternoon for registration and for a meeting of TDF Steering Committee, followed by a public Q&A session open to members of The Document Foundation and conference attendees. In the evening at 7 pm, Cap Digital will organize a welcome cocktail at their headquarters near the Bastille.

On October 13, the conference will start with a welcome address from the region authorities and the organizing committee, followed by TDF keynote speech summarizing the project achievements during the first year: development, infrastructure, community and marketing. The following presentations will be split into four different tracks, focused – again – on development, community, marketing and ODF, plus a technical “bird-of-feather” session. The program is available here.

The conference will continue in the evenings with get-together events, where the international community will have the opportunity to meet and mingle: on October 13 at 7 pm, there will be the Île-de-France Region special evening, with several keynotes and announcements; while on October 14 at 7 pm, there will be the AF83 Beer & Music evening.

Participation in the LibreOffice Conference is free of charge; all you need to do is to register here before the end of September.


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