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LibreOffice Conference 2012 and 2013 Call for Locations

8 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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As previously announced, The Document Foundation is currently running a Call for Locations for our annual, global community event, the LibreOffice Conference. After a successful event in Paris in October 2011, the venues for the next two years will be voted upon by the community.

The Call for Locations is about the venues for the next two conferences, to help the team of the 2013 event learn from the organizers of the 2012 event. Applicants are free to send in a proposal for both dates, or decide for one of the years. Applicants, whose proposal for 2012 was unsuccessful, are also eligible to propose again for 2013.

Traditionally, the LibreOffice Conference takes place between September and November, with a preferred date of October.

The deadlines for sending in your proposals are:

  • Sunday, January 22nd 2012, 23:59 UTC for the 2012 event
  • at the end of August 2012 for the 2013 event, details on this will follow soon

After receiving the applications, we will evaluate necessary preconditions, evaluate the validity and give applicants the chance to clarify vague details. In late January 2012, or early February 2012, the LibreOffice community will vote on their preferred location, so the organizers have enough time for their preparations. Please do not vote on random locations but rather wait for the official announcement of the proposals and the voting mechanism.

All details on the Call for Locations can be found in our wiki at

We’re looking forward to exciting proposals for the next Conferences!


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