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Get ready for the Document Freedom Day 2012!

14 de Março de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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In two weeks from now we will be celebrating the Document Freedom Day. All over the world, thousands of people will be organizing events, meetings to raise awareness around open standards for digital documents. The Document Foundation encourages everyone to join the activities planned for this day and even to propose new ones.

 The Document Foundation is an enthusiastic supporter of the Document Freedom Day. We welcome this event each year as a great opportunity to expand the reach of an essential conversation : Open Standards and free digital documents for all.

 By removing the technical and legal barriers on document formats and standards, we enable true and effective interoperability while allowing hundreds of millions of people to create, think, and share content. We encourage everyone to join the existing initiatives that day and to get involved: Everyone can do this even with just a keyboard.


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