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Filipe Saraiva: Going to Berlin!

10 de Julho de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Between the 6th and August 12th, Berlin, capital of Germany, will host the 2nd Desktop Summit – the meeting united of the two largest communities of free desktop environments developers: Gnome and KDE!

These groups annually held international meetings focused on their respective communities: the GUADEC, of Gnome and Akademy, of KDE. In 2009 there was a unified against these communities, which was called Desktop Summit, in Gran Canaria. This event was interesting in the maturation of ideas and projects to be shared by the software developed by these communities, providing greater interoperability to the free desktop in general. Many of these projects are now hosted in the initiative

And this year, I will go to the Desktop Summit! Thanks to my contributions to KDE, the KDE e.V. gave me a help for the trip, where I will participate actively in the meeting.

My goals, among others, is to have greater contact with the staff of KDEedu, the educational software project of KDE which is where my main contribution with code. Another goal is also to have greater interaction with the team of international promotion of KDE in order to we can be more active in the dissemination of software projects and communities in Brazil. Another idea is also talking with the staff of Mageia, the distro that I use today and try to contribute.

But the main one is to make friends, know who develop my favorite software that I use in my day-to-day, to share a few beers with these guys and a deeper understanding of the community! This will certainly be reflected in my code in future contributions to KDE.

Then in August, wait for reports of this interesting experience!


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