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Akademy 2014 – I went

24 de Setembro de 2014, 12:07 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hello everyone!

Finally I had time to write about my participation in Akademy 2014. After the event I had to make another trip to attend the 1st week of free software of Curitiba, Paraná, where I presented two talks, one on the history of free software and other on how to be a KDE translator. Also I had to return to attend classes in my PhD program. In short: I had no time to write. But now I can do this, let’s go then!

It was my second time at Akademy, I had participated in the Desktop Summit 2011 in Berlin, Germany. So I already knew more or less what to expect from the event.

For those who do not know, the event took place in Brno, Czech Republic. Brno is the second largest city and has a beautiful architecture, as this church below:


The event activities occurred in Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií VUT v Brně, The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Brno University of Technology.

DSC00844As I am not a programmer and do not understand much of the technical issues I could make better use of non-technical talks or less techniques such as Alex Fiestas talk about his experience in KDE. And the testimony of KDE groups in Asia were also very good, because it’s nice to know what are the experiences that others in the community have in their local groups. Another activity that also caught my attention was the talk of the VDG, because I am passionate about the work they are doing with the look of KDE. :)

To summarize the two days of talks activities were very beneficial for me to know what is happening in KDE and who is doing what. In addition, in the Sponsor Presentations I won a Kubuntu t-shirt <3

Over the next few days I watched some BoFs, as the documentation presented by Mikey Ariel. Documentation is an area that interests me, but that is still quite obscure to me.

Well, the whole event was wonderful for me because I was able to meet the community and share many ideas. And also find Brazilians who I had not seen for some time, as Camila and Helio. :)

Here is a picture of Brazilians at the Akademy 2014 :D

img_7718Well, I hope to go to more KDE events and always contribute to them. I would like to thank the KDE e.V for sponsoring my trip to Brno, and also for having helped us to to hold the second Lakademy what happened in the previous week to the Akademy, in São Paulo, Brazil.

Hope to see you all again next Akademy! :)


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