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openSUSE Ambassadors Team Meeting @ 15:00 UTC on 03-August-2010

30 de Julho de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Dear openSUSE Ambassador and other friends, ...

We are pleased to announce our openSUSE Ambassadors Meeting to talk about our ambassador structure needed to support

During our last Marketing meeting, we got some good arguments and comments about Ambassadors program infrastructure needs, then next August 3, @ 15:00 UTC [1], we have opportunity to keep talking about it and help to make things going on in our meeting room on IRC in the #opensuse-marketing channel on Freenode to discuss current state of Ambassador organization. 

Then I would like to invite you to share your thoughts and points at the meeting. Also I would like to remember that our Marketing Team will be with us to make sure we are walking safer and completely aligned with the whole openSUSE project strategy.

Here is our proposed agenda for meeting. As we already have Ambassadors meeting wiki page[2], please respond here any proposals or suggestions to the agenda.

* Opening Comments (35 min)

* Recap of openSUSE Ambassadors needs and difficulties (15 min)
** How are we doing? Everything on track?
** Does we need a kind of closer and better relationship between ambassadors around the globe?
** Things we do great and must keep running on?
** Things we are suffering to do, but that is important and we believes needs some improvements?

* Miscellaneous Topics which may include: (25 min)
** Does we need to create templates for productive and collaborative reports?
** Does we need to have Ambassadors dedicated irc channel?
** Does we need to have Ambassadors dedicated mailing list? (We already got it! Thanks AJ) How will we efficiently use it?
** Does we need to develop Ambassadors welcome and first steps landing page?
** Does we need to take a look any free and available collaboration tool for Ambassadors program?
** Does we like to have Ambassadors Uniform?
** Does we believe is necessary to look around and have a brief idea of how other distros are working with similar Ambassadors program?
** Does we need to know who is using openSUSE (corporations). Is this kind of information important for us?
** What more does we need or not need?
** Others...
See you all at meeting!

openSUSE Ambassador
openSUSE Marketing Team

[1] Time in your area:

[2] Ambassadors Meeting wiki page

Tags deste artigo: linux redhat red hat microsoft opensuse ubuntu debian novell software livre

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