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Migrating from Fedora to openSUSE part4

17 de Novembro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Migrating to Fedora OpenSuse part4

In this post I'll discuss two applications which I used a lot in Fedora and still using on openSUSE. Dropbox and GnoMenu. Dropbox and GnoMenu.

Dropbox is not really an application but a service that use virtual disk to share my documents between different computers. It can also be used to perform backups. To install it just install the dropbox package for openSUSE available through the Software Management YaST module. In fedora I had to download the package directly from the site. Another advantage for openSUSE. More information about the service in

GnoMenu is an alternative menu for Gnome, very interesting with a high level of customization. I using it for some time and always found it better than others competitors. I created an openSUSE package for that. Click here to download. After installation finish, right click the taskbar and click "Add to Panel". Search for GnoMenu. This version is for intel / amd 64-bit (x86_64 arch). Soon I will make available the 32 bits version.
More information on GnoMenu https: / / / gnomenu

That's all Folks!
See you next time.
Tradução livre feita por CarlosRibeiro
Artigo em sua versao original no idioma portugues Migrando de Fedora para openSUSE escrito pelo também Embaixador openSUSE Alexandre Moura - Rasta! - Xnd

Tags deste artigo: ibm software livre educacao debian mandriva opensuse red hat microsoft intel linux

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