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The welcome greetings from edX to the Linux Foundation

13 de Março de 2014, 16:14 , por Bruno Buys - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 245 vezes
Licenciado sob GNU FDL
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In the evening of March, 10, edX - the distance learning educational platform founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Harvard University in 2012 - set up a partnership with the Linux Foundation.

Check out the complete text from Anant Agarwal (1) explaining the association between the two entities and the success of adhesion to the first course offered by Linux Foundation.

More free and shared knowledge coming up!

"I have often referred to edX as a Linux for learning. Last week, the Linux Foundation became one of the first non-academic partner to offer courses at edX. The Foundation joined us as part of a new association structure, whishing to provide to our two million students worldwide a broader range of courses to choose from"

And our students have answered. In only 24 hours, 2.500 students registered in the first Linux course LFS101x: Introduction to Linux.
Clearly, people around the world want to understand Linux and try to explore its huge community in order to advance in their careers and in their understanding of how today's technology gets build. In fact, what the Foundation is offering right now is its basic class: Linux as a free MOOC - which normaly costs US$ 2400 - to our students is a wonderful opportunity, we know that there will be a continuous interest and demand for this course, and others, that the Linux Foundation will offer at


The demand for Linux professionals greatly exceeds the offer. In providing this course at edX, the Linux Foundation is working to supply to a critical void. We hear from our students that they need courses to help them improve their employment probabilities - this basic training in Linux will give them exactly what they need. The Linux Foundation and edX share a mission: to improve access to education worldwide through  open source technology. We're honored that Linux Foundation, a pioneer in open source, have chosen edX to collaborate in training the next generation of Linux professionals."


(1) Anant Agarwal is a researcher in computing architecture. Teacher at the Electrical Engineering and Computing Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and acts as edX President, a joint partnership between the MIT and the Harvard University, to offer free online teaching.

Article originally published at

Tags deste artigo: edx linux foundation partnership courses introduction to linux

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