Ismael Lacuesta approached the experience lived by the uruguaian government in the approval of a Law, in December, 2013, that fosters production and usage of Free Software in the whole public administration.
The Law also considers of general interest that the educational system works as to encourage the use of Free Software.
The approval of this Law is a great accomplishment to the ehole of the Latin America Free Software Community, because "a country isn't sovereign if multinational companies dominate their technologies", stresssed Ismael.
Among the subjects stressed in the speech, is the history of construction that started with the approval in 2003 of the Open Formats Law, which sonsisted in exclusive use of open formats for all documents produced by the Government.
In 2006 it was proposed the project of Open Formats Law, which included also adoption and use of Free Software in all public sectors, specifically in the public administration and education.
In 2012 the law was approved by deputies in the National Congress, and after many discussions and alterations of the original text, in december, 2013 it was finally approved by the Senate.
Next step is law regulamentation, or the elaboration of strategies so thatthe law get into force, which, according to the speaker, will happen in the next year, after elections. "We're optimistic with the next administration which must keep pace with the law's regulamentation".
Writter by Breno Neves and Rafaela Melo – Collaborative Coverage #Fisl15