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Ministress Miriam Belchior talks about Open Data, Brazilian Meeting begins tomorrow

25 de Outubro de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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As the 2nd Brazilian Information Technology Meeting started today, Ministress Míriam Belchior talked about the Brazilian Government's participation on the Open Government Partnership, about the Open Data Initiatives in the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management and also about the National Infrastructure for Open Data (INDA) project and its regulatory milestone, which has just gone out under public consultation yesterday. Secretary of Logistics and Information Technology Delfino Natal de Souza also reaffirmed the importance of Open Data and reinforced the commitment to it by the Brazilian Government.

Tomorrow, the 1st Brazilian Open Data Meeting will begin at the same place, and here are some activities scheduled for the first day:

For Thursday (27th), the highlights are:

For details and last minute changes, please see the full programme.

Tags deste artigo: open data open government data

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