Resultados da Busca - Marcados com free software
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Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl15 Descrição During its four days, the International Free Software Forum brings activists and knowledgeable people to the event, in the southern capital.The Free Software Movement began many years ago, but had a spe... Labels free software four freedoms Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl15 Descrição Ismael Lacuesta approached the experience lived by the uruguaian government in the approval of a Law, in December, 2013, that fosters production and usage of Free Software in the whole public administrat... Labels free software uruguay free software law Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl15 Descrição Palestra do Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL) demonstra como o Governo pode ficar fica mais seguro contra vírus e invasões. O número de revelações de casos de espionagem cresce a cada ano. Denún... Labels free software federal government Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl15 Descrição InvestForum is aimed at fostering, developing and qualifying enterpreneurship among applications developers using Free Software. We believe a greater interaction between developers/enterpreneurs and inv... Labels free software investforum open source enterpreneurship Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl15 Descrição Free and Open Source Software (FOSS, in english) is a fundamental part of every organization, from infra-structure to user applications, as well as numerous developer tools. Besides, the Free Software Mo... Labels wsl forum free software Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl14 Descrição Have you ever thought about producing a disc usaing exclusively Free Software? Musician André de Marco decided to face the challenge. Labels success cases free software music culture Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl14 Descrição Marcelo Soares de Souza from NGO “Artéria, Cultura e Cidadania” presented the Culture Map, a free and interactive tool aimed at giving visibility to cultural production besides producing indicators abou... Labels free software digital culture points of culture culture map Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl14 Descrição During the third evening of fisl14, one of the most awaited speeches of the event took place: Livre Software and other essentials for computing freedom, with Richard Stallman. Founder of Free Software... Labels surveillance ethics sharing freedom richard stallman free software Categorias Nenhum(a)