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Going to Uruguay... Oops!

23 de Julho de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 447 vezes

Finally we got our much deserved vacation… I was afraid we were not going to be able to take some time off, but, after all, we managed to do it. We planned a short trip to Montevideo and Colonia, in Uruguay. Just 8 days, but enough to get our batteries charged after a intense-energy-draining FISL.

This was intended to be a post on our arrival and first day in Montevideo, but the weather have decided not to cooperate. We actually flew to Montevideo, but when we got there, after two approach attempts, the flight 7488 gave up due to strong transverse winds and we got back to Porto Alegre.

We are now at some hotel arranged by Gol airlines. We would like to get back home, but they told us we’d be placed in the 23:55 flight and that it would be better to remain with the group. Now we should be going back to the airport, but we just got the information that the MVD airport is still closed and we’ll be in the early morning flight tomorrow :-(

So, our short vacation will end up even shorter… ;-). I hope my next post will be to tell you everything went well with the early flight. For now, let’s zap TV and try to catch up with an old movie or something…


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