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Colonia Del Sacramento

6 de Agosto de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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After the most pleasant time in Montevideo, we went to the city of Colonia. This is a historical town disputed by Portugal and Spain during the early days of South American continent. The historical part of the town is called Colonia del Sacramento, which is the original name of the town.

Colonia is a calm and beautiful town. Surely a place to rest while contemplating the awesome view, spending time in the historical sites and walking by Rio da Prata (Silver River) shore:

Since it was disputed during a long time, the old town is a fortified one. Remainings of the fortification can be seem everywhere. In this picture one can see Brenda holding the chains of the Main Gate>

It’s safe to walk the old town even after sunset and there are some pubs that are open until late surrounding the Plaza Major (Large Square) where one can spend a pleasant time, even if it’s cold -such as during the time we’re there. The sunset, itself, happens over the river… a gift of its own:

Brenda and I had a wonderful time in Colonia. We hope to go back there sometime.


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