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7 a 10 de Maio de 2014
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS | Porto Alegre | Brasil




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Marzo 13, 2014 17:56 , by Bruno Buys - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 692 times
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If you are coming from far, finding a good place to stay will make a difference. If you can pay little and be close to FISL, even better, right?

With that in mind, we created a hosting guide with hosts that offer daily prices ranging from R$ 40 to R$ 300.

Check out here the list of hotels with accessible fares. Besides, we realy on support from Liga Turismo, the official FISL agency, that can help you find good options to host you.

It's good to remember the FISL Committee doesn't take any responsibility for prices or conditions provided by hosting companies, so, do verify all the details before starting your trip ;)

In time: there's no camping area at FISL.

This article's tags: hosting camping

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