World Bank's Open Government expert, Tiago Peixoto announced friday, March, 7, in Madrid, a partnership with Getulio Vargas Foundation and the State of Rio Grande do Sul to build an international network devoted to dissemination of good practices of open government and public participation.
ODTA - Open Development Technology Alliance, will oversee the joint work of institutions and governments to collaborate in research, facilitation and implementation of innovative public policies related to open government, transparency, digital culture, network democracy and related themes. The goal is to provide means of exchange between the well succeeded initiatives worldwide.
The Gabinete Digital (Rio Grande do Sul State's Digital Secretariat), created by Governor Tarso Genro, was chosen as the first participant for the initial moment in the network, and will be a reference for digital participation. For the General Secretary and Gabinete Digital's Coordinator Vinicius Wu, the network must establish as a global reference in Open Government: "Besides being a subject debated all over the world, there are few formal spaces fora for convergence and analysis of new technologies and participation machanisms", he says.
The Cooperation Treaty to kickstart ODTA must be signed in the 15º International Free Software Forum, which happens May, from 7 to 10, in Porto Alegre.
Originally published in:,-fgv-e-governo-gaucho-planejam-rede-internacional-de-governo-aberto