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Serpro Data Processing Service displays a new backup tool with open source

9 de Maio de 2014, 11:27 , por Bruno Buys - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 389 vezes
Licenciado sob CC (by)

Benefits to the user are agility and security.

Besides the release in the cloud, which is ready and working, the Federal Data Processing Service (Serpro) announced the creation of a tool able to do 150.000 backups a day, and also database management. According to Serpro Operations Director, Wilton Motta, the source code was opened to the market, so other companies and developers could benefit from it.

- It is a one of a kind type of software, we can't find anything similar in the market. The idea is to make it available to society, he said.

It works in database management, when it is necessary control and automation of a large number of backup machines. There are tools to control it all, but this tool controls everything.

- Consider doing management of a 150.000 backups. We worked hard and managed to keep error below 1% - said Wilton.

Tags deste artigo: backup serpro

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