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7 a 10 de Maio de 2014
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS | Porto Alegre | Brasil




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Party: Nerds Revenge #8

mayo 6, 2014 17:06 , por Bruno Buys - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 363 times
Licensed under CC (by)

By Eclipe Bar.

Yes! It is back! Our night of rock, games and drinking! The geekiest party in this side of the galaxy! The neutral territory where klingons and Wookies live in harmony (less than 1 parsec away).
The space where Linuxers and Windozers put aside differences (or solve them in a Mortal Kombat match).

That's it! The Eclipse's Nerd Revenge!

There will be:

  • Rock music
  • Videogames spread by the whole bar
  • Our beloved vintage fliperama (with all the classics of the golden years of nerdism)
  • Sales of drinks that will keep you up all night!


  • Tequila double up to 12:00PM!
  • Combo double (vodka and redbull) all night long!
  • Challenges and awards... (Golden Axe, Samurai Shodown, Dungeons & Dragons)

So, don't give up! Come join this big night of rock, games and drinking!


  • Friday (May, 09): 9:00PM
  • Address: Rua José do Patrocínio, 1240
  • Friendly entry: R$10,00
  • FISL participants (with badge and document) R$5,00

See more details in the event's webpage.

If you drink, don't drive!
Bring a non-drinking friend and have him take you home!

Etiquetas de este artículo: nerds wars have fun party

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