By Comunidade KDE
The KDE community once more is present at the International Free Software Forum, bringing a high quality programme to all fans of our preferred desktop/mobile/development platform environment =)
During all FISL we'll be in a stand located at the users groups area. You can stop by and talk to developers, translators, the promotion team, sysadmin, and others contributors that work around this huge community that KDE is! Take also some of our souvenirs and don't forget to take a picture with Konqi!
We have many activities in FISL programme, but we would like to make a special invitation to the KDE Community Meeting, that will happen in May, 8, at 9:00AM, room 41D. That's a special moment for contributors to hear from the users community, identify needs, and also talk about interesting news. Please do show up!
And this year we are very happy in having a speech by Kevin Ottens, one of the main developers of the next big version of KDE development platform, the KDE Framework 5. See how can KDE contribute to the development of your application, using a free, minimalist and multiplatform library (the same code in many operating systems), multidevice (the same code in the desktop and mobile), and not necessarily using Qt.
Besides this one, we'll have many other speeches about KDE and Qt. The table below (portuguese only) presents some that we managed to identify - if you are going to talk about KDe or Qt in FISL please drop us a message so we can put here your speech also: