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fisl 13
25 a 28 de julho
de 2012
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS
Porto Alegre — Brasil

Software Livre Brasil



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Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
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fisl12 Report

abril 25, 2012 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 1667 times
In 13 years, fisl follows and contributes to the whole development and growing process of Free Software and has already received around 60 thounsand people from over 27 countries.

In 2011, in only four days, some of the main worldwide Free Software, Free Knowledge and Free Culture activists gathered in Porto Alegre. People who helped promote debates, who seeded ideas and ideals of freedom and technological independence in the minds of participants, authorities and communication professionals. Access the abstract for these four days of activity, shared knowledge, discussion and parties between people who believe in a freer society by means of Free Software.

Click the image below to download fisl12's report. 

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