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fisl 13
25 a 28 de julho
de 2012
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS
Porto Alegre — Brasil

Software Livre Brasil



Provas LPI


Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
 Voltar a Robótica Livre
Tela cheia

Free Robotics

26 de Abril de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 4603 vezes

Free Technologies Festival

fisl13´ Free Technologies Festival will gather people interested in digital culture, robotics and metarecycling for workshops, discussions, meetings and presentations. Diversity of ideas, materials and thoughts will surely be present at fisl13.

Free Robotics

In a lab assembled inside fisl with arduinos and various materials for recycling, creativity will take off among participants. Slots are limited. In order to join, just show up half an hour before and get in the line.

Free Technologies Festival

During the four days of the event, the Free Technologies Festival will also take place, where devices already built up will be available so people can interact!

if you have someting ready, you can apply for the festival sending an email to roboticalivre at softwarelivre dot org containing a brief description and photos / links o videos of what you would like to exhibit.

More doubts? Just send an email to roboticalivre at softwarelivre dot org or programafisl13 @ softwarelivre dot org.
