Do we have workshops this year?! Oh, yes, you bet!
Workshops are a reserved environment to learn "hands on", as it is said.
This year you can attend workshops and also offer a workshop! Yes, because we all have something we know a lot and could share with the community. Knowledge is one of the feww things that increase when we share.
To propose a workshop, you should submit your proposal through the Papers system.
Workshops will be chosen, in case there´s more proposals than available rooms, by the Programme Workgroup, after an evaluation of which ones can be more relevant to the community.
Important: Workshop proposals will be accepted up to May/25.
But, what if I just want to attend one workshop?
It´s too early to choose which workshops you want to participate - we are still receiving proposals!
But here´s what you might be sure about them:
How long it takes?
Each round of workshops lasts 3 hours (#hint: toilet pitstops before!)
How do I register myself?
There´s no previous registration. Just get there early and save your seat, there will be 50 available seats in each room.
Where is it going to be?
At rooms 614 and 615 from building 40 at PUC-RS.
Do I need to bring something?
Yes, a laptop is fine (preferably).
When workshops are disclosed, be aware of the other pre-requisites: some will demand additional previous knowledge, others will demand that you install some softwares, or it is still possible that workshops are carried in english or spanish, in which case you must be profficient in these languages.
Anything else?
It is important to remember you will learn a lot, but workshops provide no certificate.
To learn about pre-requisites, just click the corresponding box in the programme, but only when we have disclosed it, right?! ;)