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fisl 13
25 a 28 de julho
de 2012
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS
Porto Alegre — Brasil

Software Livre Brasil



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Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasile
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FLISOL organizers meet at FISL13

Luglio 25, 2012 0:00 , by Software Livre Brasil - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 2774 times

A meeting of the FLISOL promoters and organizers has just happened at fisl, featuring Luiz Augusto Machado, Thiago Paixão, Ronald Emerson Sherolt da Costa, Wellton Costa de Oliveira and Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana.



The Latin American Free Software Install Festival (FLISOL) is a big event of free software disclosure which happens cince 2005. It tries, as its main goal, to promote the use of free software, by introducing its philosophy, its reach, accomplishments and development to the general public.

This article's tags: flisol