The taste for new ideas is part of fisl spirit! This year, for the first time, BitCoin currency will be accepted for purchasing tickets to fisl. 10 tickets will be available, costing 20 bitcoins each. To arrange the purchase, get in touch with programafisl13 at softwarelivre dot org.
The currency may be fabricated (or mined, using community´s terms) using an open source program in a computer with a good configuration, or bought using conventional money in specific sites. Transactions are made through P2P networks, avoiding the need for
intermediaries in the transactions with the virtual currency.
One of BitCoin team members will speak at fisl, so if you are curious about how it works but couldn´t get familiar using just the web, this opportunity to learn with the people in charge is unique.
The coin obtained by the organizing committee will be spent in hours of programming for free software maintenance.
The novelty was posted to the blog of our friend Vanessa Nunes, who explained very simply how the system works. It´s worth taking a look ;)