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fisl 13
25 a 28 de julho
de 2012
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS
Porto Alegre — Brasil

Software Livre Brasil



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Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazilo
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Fisl13 to have simultaneous LIBRAS interpreters

julio 2, 2012 0:00 , by Software Livre Brasil - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 1956 times

For the second year in a row, fisl wil have simultaneous translations of speeches and activities for the Brazilian Language of Signals, LIBRAS, (a set of hand-movements and gestures for the hearing impaired). The interpreter will meet the participants who need translations in the first day of the forum and define what activities will be attended, according to their interest.
To Carlos Machado, one of the WSL´ Workgroup coordinators, who is a hearing impaired and researcher in the area, the process of translation is complex, but this isn´t a signals´ language exclusivity. "Depends on the context, and of the familiarity the translator and the audience have with the subject. That´s a question that can be present in every tech area, not only IT, because of all the jargons and lingo. That´s every language problem, not only LIBRAS", he says.
Those who are interested may get in touch through the email comunicacao at softwarelivre dot org to receive more info before the event.
The LIBRAS system is an gesture idiom, with its own grammar, used mainly for communication of the hearing and visually impaired people. It is the second official language in Brazil, after portuguese.

This article's tags: libras interpeters