Segue abaixo um cheat sheet:
# tmux - terminal multiplexer
## Managing tmux sessions: $ tmux # start tmux server $ tmux at # attach running sessions to a terminal $ tmux ls # list running tmux sessions
## Sharing sessions between terminals: $ tmux new -s session_name # make new named session $ tmux at -t session_name # attach to exist session (allowing shared sessions)
## Commands (used within a running tmux session): c - create new window n/l - next/last window & - kill current window
% - split window, adding a vertical pane to the right " - split window, adding an horizontal pane below ←/→ - move focus to left/right pane ↑/↓ - move focus to upper/lower pane ! - Break current pane into new window x - Kill the current pane. d - detach the current client
[ - enter copy mode (then use emacs select/yank keys) * press CTRL-SPACE or CTRL-@ to start selecting text * move cursor to end of desired text * press ALT-w to copy selected text
] - paste copied text
? - show tmux key bindings
### NOTE:* All commands need to be prefixed with the action key.* By default, this is CTRL-b
The post Comandos tmux (cheat sheet) appeared first on Thiago Avelino.
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