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GNOME 3 is like Vim.

22 de Março de 2012, 8:46 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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You might know that I am testing GNOME 3. So far, so good. I was a little annoyed by the not-obvious and undocumented have-to-add-user-to-pulse-and-pulse-access procedure and the keyboard-shortcut-settings-bad-design-bug, but now sound works and my usual shortcuts are in-place…

I found myself liking the environment, but not sure about why I was liking it. I was always a minimalist user. At one time I convinced myself X11 (or Xorg) served as a terminal multiplexer… but now, GNOME 3 is changing that with its unobstructiveness (is there such a word?).

One thing that might be selling GNOME 3 to me is that it resembles Vim, my beloved text-editor and multipurpose IDE. Just think about the “Overview” mode as a command-mode in Vim. While working in Vim, I focus in one thing at a time, and everytime I want to do some “meta” thing, I Escape to the command-mode. It’s just the same in GNOME 3: “Overview” let me do “meta” things and gives me the whole power of the Desktop in one screen.

I am not sure I am going to keep GNOME 3… But thinking it’s like Vim is a compelling argument.


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