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Software livre Brasil

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Free Software in Latin America

27 de Maio de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.

Isabela from North by South was invited to lead the Medical project in Brazil.

7 de Junho de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

North by South is pleased to inform that a member of our team Isabela Fernandes was invited to lead the Medical Project in Brazil. Medical is a GPL Hospital Information System created by the GNU Solidario project. North by South News wrote about Medical in 2009, at the time, with only one year of existence, they were finalists for the Community Choice Awards at the category ‘Best Government Software‘.

Brazil: commercial adoption of free software continues to grow

17 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

free software brazilAn annual survey conducted by CETIC (Center for Study of Information Technology & Communications) found that the use of free software in mid-sized and enterprise companies continued to grow through 2009. The survey, TIC Empresas 2009, has been surveying commercial trends in Brazil’s growing technology markets for five years now.

SMASH Summit: normalizing social marketing

11 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

SMASH SummitNorth by South (NXS) is excited to be attending the SMASH Summit that’s happening in San Francisco this week. And, we’re also just happy to see more events like this happening, as the industry starts to normalize some of the innovations that we have been recommending to clients. It’s going to make our jobs that much easier.

International Free Software Forum (fisl11) launches social network

11 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil


Brazil finalizes National Broadband Plan to provide universal connectivity

5 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

After many discussions with private telecommunication companies, government institutions, civil society and LAN-house owners, the federal government of Brazil officially launched the National Broadband Plan on May 5. Between 2010 and 2014, an investment of R$ 15 billion Reais (about $8.5 billion USD) will bring broadband to 4,600 Brazilian municipalities and provide internet to 75% of Brazilian households.

Special 301 Report versus Free Software: Strong-arm tactics are the only way proprietary software can compete

8 de Março de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

Since 1988, the Office of the United States Trade Representative has released an annual Special 301 Report which “examines in detail the adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual property rights” for every country in the world. The intention is to classify countries that either encourage or turn a blind eye to intellectual property piracy and countries can be put on a “Watch List” or “Priority Watch List”. This designation can then be used to pressure countries during trade negotiations.

Brazil launches new version of their electronic government portal

7 de Março de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

Brazil - new portalThe Brazilian federal government has launched a new version of their portal, offering more than 500 online services to Brazilian citizens, built entirely with free software. The new design and layout looks great and, in honor of the release, NXS is providing a translation of the press release about the launch. Translated from Portal Brasil: um novo conceito de comunicação (March 5, 2010) by North-by-South:

US Laws Restrict Individual Freedom and SourceForge Complies

4 de Março de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

On January 25th, published a post on their official blog explaining that they were denying SourceForge services and site access to users residing in countries on the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanction list, including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Since 2003, the Terms and Conditions of Use have prohibited people from those countries from accessing their website but they only began enforcing the condition a week before posting the blog entry.

Finally! San Francisco adopts free software in government policy!

24 de Janeiro de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

san francisco linuxFor a long time now, NXS/San Francisco folks have begged, pleaded and cajoled our local government to follow the example set by Latin America to mandate a switch to free software whenever the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Some Datapoints on Open Source in Emerging Markets

21 de Setembro de 2009, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

emerging bull markets!For a long time now, NXS has preached about the computer programmer demographic in Latin America. Our experience is that Latin America is filled with the “dream candidate” that companies are looking for in the US: someone who is a free software geek, has a passion for code, uses free software in their everyday life (meaning that their skill set is constantly being improved as part of day-to-day activities) and keeps up with all the latest trends and developments in the free software world.

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