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International Free Software Forum (fisl11) launches social network

11 de Maio de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The momentum of the Latin American free software movement is accelerated every year by the International Free Software Forum, held in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Last year, North by South was invited to speak at fisl10, where a decade of free software revolution was celebrated. NXS gave a presentation about our business model and we were honored to be included in the special audience for President Lula da Silva’s address to the free software world.

This year, we’re happy to help spread the word about the innovation being launched for fisl11 — a special social network that intends to facilitate on-going collaboration for people who meet each other during the event. The idea is to strengthen the bonds formed at the event and provide a vehicle for people to publish news & updates about their projects. Talk about an open social network outside of one company’s control has been happening at FISL for years, an idea that is gaining popularity in Silicon Valley.

FISL11 will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from July 21st to 24th. The call for submissions has ended already but you can still submit papers for the Free Software Workshop and online registration is now open.

Here is our coverage of fisl10.


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