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Isabela from North by South was invited to lead the Medical project in Brazil.

7 de Junho de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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North by South is pleased to inform that a member of our team Isabela Fernandes was invited to lead the Medical Project in Brazil. Medical is a GPL Hospital Information System created by the GNU Solidario project. North by South News wrote about Medical in 2009, at the time, with only one year of existence, they were finalists for the Community Choice Awards at the category ‘Best Government Software‘.

Medical is being used at clinics in the rural area from the north of Argentina and at the Peerless Hospital in Nigeria. They are also at the Public Software Portal from Brazil federal government and soon with Isabela help will be full translated to Brazilian Portuguese and ready to be used by clinics, hospitals in Brazil.

Check out the new release launched on June 6th, Medical 0.0.50.

Below the annoucement from Luis Falcón creator of Medical:

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce that Isabela Fernandes is the new leader of the Medical project in Brazil. I met Isabela in Berkeley last year and since then we have been in contact working with the dissemination of free software. She is a member of the GNU Solidarity and have helped me, along with Cesar Brod and Corinto Meffe, in the dissemination of Medical in Brazil.

Isabela has worked more than 10 years as an advocate of free software in different sectors, from her company North by South in San Franciscon as well as from the IT sector of the Presidency of Brazil. She is a person who has been involved with social welfare organizations, working at GESAC, a digital inclusion project from the Ministry of Communications of Brazil and at projects of inclusion of women in the FOSS world.

She has always been in contact with the health sector, accompaning closely the proplems experienced by the Brazilian population. She is the daughter of a surgeon-dentist and a dental prosthesis, and she has studied Master Dental Technitianat the University of Alfenas, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. When she met Medical, she knew immediately the importance of the project in the health care sector, as in Brazil, where a federal government policy to use free software has generated significant progress in various sectors and institutions of the government.

Isabela believes that a project such as Medical will be the key to improve the public health care system in Brazil, as well as managing budgets in this sector. There is why she didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation from my part to be the leader of Medical project in Brazil.

From my side and from the Medical team and GNU Solidario she has our full support and I am sure that her management will be entirely successful.

Luis Falcón


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