The Brazilian federal government has launched a new version of their portal, offering more than 500 online services to Brazilian citizens, built entirely with free software. The new design and layout looks great and, in honor of the release, NXS is providing a translation of the press release about the launch. Translated from Portal Brasil: um novo conceito de comunicação (March 5, 2010) by North-by-South:
“The Brazil Portal marks a new stage in the communication from the State with society and the media,” declared the the president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, during the launch of the new version of the website, held last Wednesday, the 3rd, by the Secretary of Communication for the Presidency - Secom.
According to Secom, the Portal was envisioned and developed to break with the current models of digital communication from the government. The proposed environment is to offer personalized content to diverse public interests, to gather in one space more than 500 services of electronic government and to promote interactivity between users and the State. “The Portal is a permanent work-in-progress and, therefore, open to everyone’s opinion,” the Secretary of Secom, Franklin Martins, said.
The Secretary emphasized the innovative design of the Brazil Portal and the importance of multimedia content. For him, this is an experience that treats information as a whole in the digital environment.
The form of navigation in the website is matched up with the user’s preference, since the Portal offers the organization of information by profile or themes. Workers, students, entrepreneurs and journalists get targeted content and Secom already plans for the creation of new profiles.
For the international version, the division is by focus of interest: investors, tourists and students. “We are radicalizing the experience of electronic government in Brazil,” said the Minister of Planning, Budgets and Management, Paulo Bernando.
Technology: The Brazil Portal is developed with Plone 3.1.7 and runs on Zope Application Server 2.10.6, programmed in Python 2.4.4. “The use of free platforms is the direction of the federal government. And the choice of the tools for the construction of the Portal would not be different. So, we chose Zope/Plone,” explained Silvia Sardinha, Director of the Internet and Events for Secom.
Cintia Cinquini, from the Presidency’s Department of Technology, said that Plone is a widely-used platform in the government to add distinctive features, such as usability (a multiuser platform with easy management), accessibility (standardized resources) and security.
The new Portal is hosted on servers at Serpro and counts on the support and experience of the company in the use of this software.
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