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Asterisk On Ubuntu – Updated for 9.10

14 de Fevereiro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 1Um comentário | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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A while ago, I modified Peter N. Steinmetz’s bash script for installing Asterisk + Free PBX over Ubuntu. I also walked the path into fine tunning the whole installation. The script is stored on my website, with proper download links and documentation on the Wiki Page for Asterisk On Ubuntu, over the subpage Current.

I was very happy to discover that it was modified by the user (as shown on comments and his wiki username). He has done a set of modifications, and called it version 1.5! Very good!

So if you want to give the script a try, just point your browser to

Be aware that this is an experimental script. Also, I did not test the the 1.5 version of the script by myself, yet. If your have some patches or suggestions, feel free to feed us back!

Oh, and thank you,!

PS: Para quem quiser obter as informações em pt-br, basta seguir o link:, tradução, uma cortesia do Vinícius Groppo! O script atualziado é o v 1.5, disponível no link do wiki em inglês!!!


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