The latest edition of FISL was a blast! Even though I have noticed a smaller number of attendees compared to 2014, it is quality rather than quantity that matters.
We had less GNOMErs this year as well, but our community was definitely nicely represented. At day one, Luciana Fujii gave a talk about GLib, GObject and more G* stuff.
On day two, Adorilson Bezerra and I have conducted the GNOME Community Meeting. At first, Adorilson introduced GNOME 3.12 and, after that, I’ve presented a lightning talk about Gjs development. At the end of our Community Meeting we had an open space to discuss GNOME as a whole. It was all broadcasted live and recorded, you can check it out here (Portuguese audio).
I hope to see you all again next year at FISL 16!
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