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Felipe Borges: Attending GUADEC 2014

11 de Julho de 2014, 12:30 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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It’s been one of the toughest semesters I’ve ever gone through. I’m writing my graduation thesis, working, watching the World Cup, and taking classes. Besides all of that, I’ve been working hard to finish my duties before the end of July because that’s when we are having GUADEC.

Everything is ready for GUADEC 2014 in Strasbourg, France.

I’m attending the Documents & Photos BoF. Also, I’d like to engage in some GNOME Music hacking as well. And last but not least, I will be revenging Brazil in our annual football match.

I’d like to thank the GNOME Foundation and the travel committee for sponsoring my trip.



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