As we said in a previous post, Mageia.Org’s General Assembly took place during FOSDEM, on 04/02/2012, in Bruxelles. The moral report was presented at the GA, while the financial report was sent later. Both reports have been approved by association members. Here are links to the two reports:
Some questions were asked during the presentation:
- Wiki translation ( obgr_seneca ): the question was about what to do for a translated wiki, ie should it be used for locale content or just translation. Oliver said he would take care of organizing the discussion about it.
- User communication, ( obgr_seneca ): Oliver reminded that he participated in the round table.
- Pledge from Rosa and invitation to participate ( peroyvind): Per Øyvind explained to us that he was talking with Rosalab about having an umbrella organisation, with a pledge to help such a foundation with money. We answered that we would not be opposed but without more information, we cannot answer much, and so we would take a look once more information is public.
- Mageia app db ( panu ): panu wanted to know the status of mageia app db, and we redirected him to the developers of the project
People who attended the GA: Oliver Burger (obgr_seneca), Anne Nicolas (ennael), Michael Scherer (misc), Oliver Thauvin (nanar), Claire Revillet, Marianne Lombard (jehane), Thomas Backlund (tmb), Arnaud Patard (rtp), Nicolas Vigier (boklm), Romain D’Alverny (rda), Maarten Vanraes (al13n), Colin Guthrie (coling), Raphael (rapsys), Chris Ringeval (eatdirt), Matteo Passoti (pasmatt), Marja van Waes (marja), Sebastian (sebsebseb), Panu (xrg), Remco Rijnders (remi), Per Øyvind Karlsen, Guillaume Rousse (guillomovitch).
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