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c3video for debconf #5

14 de Agosto de 2015, 15:13 , por PSL-BA Feeds - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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This is a follow-up to my previous post related the DebConf videoteam using a new software stack for the next conferences:

This is about the encoding step from C3TT, mostly done by the script named D-encoding.

We can have many different encoding templates in the system. They're XSLT files which will generate the XML needed to create the local encoding commands. We can have more than one encoding template assigned for a conference.


XSLT encoding templates

A general comment: each meta ticket (say, the original ticket with meta info about the talk) will generate two children tickets over time, a recording one and a encoding one, with their own states. If things go wrong, a ingest ticket is created. More details can be checked here.


Children tickets

So I've got the proper encoded files in my Processing.Path.Output directory. The ticket is marked as encoded by the script. There's also a postencoding step, executed by E-postencoding. As I could understand, it's intended to be a general post-processing hook for encoded files. For instance, it can produces an audio file and make it available on Auphonic service. As we won't use that, we may want to set the property Processing.Auphonic.Enable to no.

The next step starts from the operator side. Just going to the Releasing tab in the web interface, choosing the ticket to check and doing a quick review in the encoded file:


Releasing tab

Then, if everything looks fine, click Everthing's fine:


Check encoded file

From this point the ticket will be marked as checked and the next script (F-postprocessing) will take care of pushing the video(s)/audio(s) to the target place, as defined by Publishing.UploadTarget. I had to set myself the encoding template property EncodingProfile.Extension. We can optionally set Publishing.UploadOptions. (keep that in mind, seems not documented elsewhere)

So I have now the first DebCamp encoded video file uploaded to an external host, entirely processed using the C3TT software stack. We may also want to use a very last script to release the videos (eg. as torrents, to different mirrors and other onlive services) if needed. This is, which unlike others, won't be run by the screen UI in the sequence. It has some parameters hardcoded on it, although code is very clear and ready to be hacked. It'll also mark the ticket as Released.



That's all for now! In summary: I've been able to install and set C3TT up during a few days in DebCamp, and will be playing with it during DebConf. In case things go well we'll probably be using this system as our video processing environment for the next events.

We can access most CCC VoC software from By having a look at what they're developing I feel that we (DebConf and CCC) share quite the same technical needs. And most important, the same spirit of community work for bringing part of the conference to those unable to attend.

DebCamp was warm!


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