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Grupo de Usuários Debian da Bahia - GUD/BA

7 de Dezembro de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.

Seja bem vind@, se você é um debiano (um baiano que usa debian) faça parte de nossa comunidade!

Começando a "blogar"

16 de Janeiro de 2015, 0:35, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Pelo mesmo motivo de Joenio, decidi que vou tentar escrever nesse blog alguma coisa com alguma frequência...

Provavelmente será sobre Noosfero, mestrado, Colivre, Software Livre ou eventos que gosto ou participo.

Esse é o primeiro post depois de 2 anos e meio.. O próximo deve demorar menos tempo (vou tentar...) :D

A few excerpts from The Invisible Committe's latest article

6 de Janeiro de 2015, 13:29, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Just sharing some points from "2. War against all things smart!" and "4. Techniques against Technology" by The Invisible Committee's "Fuck off Google" article. You may want to get the "Fuck off Google" pdf and watch that recent talk at 31C3.

"...predicts The New Digital Age, “there will be people who resist adopting and using technology, people who want nothing to do with virtual profiles, online data systems or smart phones. Yet a government might suspect that people who opt out completely have something to hide and thus are more likely to break laws, and as a counterterrorism measure, that government will build the kind of ‘hidden people’ registry we described earlier. If you don’t have any registered social-networking profiles or mobile subscriptions, and on-line references to you are unusually hard to find, you might be considered a candidate for such a registry. You might also be subjected to a strict set of new regulations that includes rigorous airport screening or even travel restrictions.”"

I've been introduced to following observations about 5 years ago when reading "The Immaterial" by André Gorz. Now The Invisible Committee makes that even clearer in a very few words:

"Technophilia and technophobia form a diabolical pair joined together by a central untruth: that such a thing as the technical exists. [...] Techniques can’t be reduced to a collection of equivalent instruments any one of which Man, that generic being, could take up and use without his essence being affected."

"[...] In this sense capitalism is essentially technological; it is the profitable organization of the most productive techniques into a system. Its cardinal figure is not the economist but the engineer. The engineer is the specialist in techniques and thus the chief expropriator of them, one who doesn’t let himself be affected by any of them, and spreads his own absence from the world every where he can. He’s a sad and servile figure. The solidarity between capitalism and socialism is confirmed there: in the cult of the engineer. It was engineers who drew up most of the models of the neoclassical economy like pieces of contemporary trading software."