Some context
DebConf has provided live streaming and recordings from talks since 2004. We used to work with a set of scripts which worked together with Pentabarf for most of videoteam tasks, including volunteer shifts coordination, reviewing process, encoding and deployment.
Things has changed since DebConf14, when Pentabarf was replaced by Summit as the conference management system. Without those old Pentabarf features and hacks we had to invent new ways of dealing with the video workflow in DebConf. We gave veyepar a try in 2014, and we will probably do it again in DebConf15. However, for a long term solution we are considering the software stack from CCC Video Operation Center, which so far I see as a free, solid and community-oriented mix of Debian-friendly tools.
I will be reporting the progress on setting up and testing the CCC software strucutre for DebConf. Having the opportunity of being in DebCamp together with other videoteam folks will certainly make things easier :)
Setting up the CCC Ticket Tracker
C3TT is a ticket/tracker system used by CCC for reviewing/encoding process.
The web side of C3TT is written in PHP and can be cloned from Some documentation is available at and from
What I've done so far to get it working:
Installing some dependencies:
$ apt-get install postgresql-9.4 php5-pgsql php5-xsl postgresql-contrib-9.4 php5-xmlrpc php5
Creating database and users:
$ su -s /bin/bash postgres $ createuser -DRS dc15 $ createdb -O dc15 c3tt $ psql postgres=# ALTER ROLE dc15 WITH PASSWORD 'xxx';
Basic site config using lighttpd:
$HTTP["host"] =~ "c3tt\.your\.host" { server.document-root = "/var/www/c3tt/Public/" alias.url = ("/javascript/" => "/var/www/js/") url.rewrite-once = ( ".*\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$" => "$0", "^(.*?)$" => "index.php/$1",) }
Running the installer script:
$ php -q Install/install.php
This will ask you some questions, then will create the config file and populate the database. At this point you should be able to access the ticket track system from your browser.
The set of scripts from C3TT doesn't need to be installed in the same host as the web side, they communicate via XML/RPC. In a next post I will report the installation and initial setup for these scripts.
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