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FISL 14 - Ao vivo





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MP³B night - Dancing music at the Espaço Cultural 512

5 de Julho de 2013, 0:00 , por Bruno Buys - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 848 vezes
Licenciado sob GNU FDL

Fisl14 enters the partying mood tonight with presentation of the band Mariposas Cantantes (Singing Moths), DJs VirguLinux (PE), Lucasa (BA) and Rica (RS) playing exclusively free songs for dancing.

Rythms to be danced are Forró, Samba, Coco, Frevo, Xaxado and Manguebeat. Links to the songs will be displayed during the night so the audience will be able to get to know the work of the musicians who share their songs on the Internet.

Besides the musical programme, we'll also have the release of the 3.0 version of Chica Livre, the first cachaça to mix fruits, herbs and roots, and to also disclose its receipt in free licenses. See more at: (
The MP³B night starts today, 08:00PM at the Espaço Cultural 512 at Cidade Baixa.  Fisl14' participants with the badge pay R$ 4,00, general public pay R$ 8,00.

What? MP³B night - Dancing music
Who? Mariposas Cantantes band, DJs Lucasa (BA), Rica (RS) and Virgulinux (PE)
Where? Espaço Cultural 512 - Rua João Alfredo - 512, cidade baixa
Friday, jul/05 starting 08:00PM

Tags deste artigo: brazilian rythms free music free culture parties