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fisl 13
25 a 28 de julho
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Centro de Eventos da PUCRS
Porto Alegre — Brasil

Software Livre Brasil



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Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
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Procergs and W3C will promote Open Data Marathon during fisl

18 de Julho de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Up to tomorrow, 18/07, the teams that lack resources to participate will be able to apply for grants

Encouraging the development of applications from open data available at the Transparência para Todos program catalog, that will provide public services to citizens, with agreggated value and benefit for thw whole society.

The competition is part of the commitment from Rio Grande do Sul State Government in creation of an ecosystem of reuse and development of new public services directly by society.

The subchief of Ethics, Public Control and Transparency from Chief Staff, General Government Secretariat and the public company PROCERGS, representing the State Government and the W3C Brazil are the entities promoting this contest.

Registrations are free and must be made exclusively by means of the registration form available here up to July, 23.

tomorrow, July, 18, teams that lack resources to join the event will be able to apply for W3C grants by the same form.

Join this challenge! To access the contest rules, click here.

Tags deste artigo: w3c applications rio grande do sul state government public services