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 Voltar a Thiago Avelino
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7 subjects (and GitHub repositories) to become a better Go Developer

11 de Julho de 2021, 0:00 , por Blogs on Avelino - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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With the high adoption of the Go language by developers and large companies, this has led companies to search for engineers with experience in Go. This can create a lot of pressure of what to study to become a better engineer, this is very personal, it requires planning of what and when to study other subjects (even outside the engineering area). In this blogpost some topics (with repositories and links) that I think are important to know in order to become an engineer person with even better Go knowledge, follow good practices for writing code, concepts of code structure (usually using design pattern), scalable code and clean code.

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