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Zotero and note-taking

24 de Junho de 2012, 20:11 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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I was looking for an excuse to try Zotero and the perfect opportunity appeared when I got a whole lot of references to group for a month of Magnetic Ressonance studies I am currently taking. I was also pleased to notice it is packaged to Debian.

I am used to note-taking software. Back when I used a Palm m130 (and a Treo 650), I managed a lot of Memos I eventually migrated to Note-Everything in my current Android phone. Zotero, unfortunatelly, is not interfaceable with my phone (or I was still unable to figure out how to do so), but it’s powerful in managing references… beyond simple note-taking.

Is anyone using Zotero in a more ambitious way? I’ve read about people using it to keep large researchs to support fiction and non-fiction book-writing… I also watched some YouTube videos on it. As far as I went with it, Zotero might become an important piece in my toolbox wrt reference keeping, so I was just trying to figure out how many other niches it can fill…


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