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EeePC: Surviving liquid spills

30 de Abril de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Last few months since I got my EeePC have been a lot of fun. Playing and tweaking the little bastard is a joy in the end of a busy day. Besides, since I loaded it with the most useful SysAdmin tools, it became a powerful device in my “tool belt”.

Unfortunately, I’ve been stupid enough to drink a glass of orange juice while messing with it. I know, I know! Silly thing to do. I should know better! But life is like that… I spilled a few drops over it. Of course, the web is pouring off information on what to do in cases like this, so I’ll just summarize what I did:

  1. Imediatelly, without thinking or questioning, I turned it upside down and removed the battery. It was a clumsy thing to do… I ended up spilling the rest of my orange juice on the floor while worrying about the EeePC. Concearns about filesystem corruption (or whatever) crossed my mind, but I can always deal with that later… First things first!
  2. I went online in another computer and found out how to disassemble it. For me it was easy, since I got other two computers at home… but if I needed to leave it there while looking for information, I would! If it’s upside down and has no power whatsoever (the battery was removed), it’s safe, I think. The information was easily found. I decided I didn’t need to disassemble all of it, but having those information at hand was pretty useful.
  3. I began by removing the keyboard. It’s tricky but not difficult. The secret relies on the spring-mounted tabs near the screen. I checked for spills under it and cleaned with a cotton swab.
  4. I was not very confortable to open the case, but I decided that turning it back on without checking the electronic parts first was too risky. So I said “goodbye” to my warranty and unscrewed the 6 screws from the bottom and the 9 from the silver casing under the keyboard.
  5. There I found some little drops! Good decision to open it up! I dried it using cotton swabs again.
  6. Before putting it all together, I decided to leave it open until the next day. I was pretty sure everything was dry again, but “better safe than sorry”. The next day I successfully assembled it and turned it on. Great! Everything worked fine.

Now… that was just what worked for me. My EeePC is back, fully restored but, of course, the warranty is void :-( So I cannot recommend you to do the same. Best advice I can tell you: Keep liquids away your EeePC!


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