Months (even years) of activism, over 140 thousand signatures, and finally another small victory: Brazilian Minister of Justice – Mr. Tarso Genro – sent a letter [pt-BR] stating that Sen. Azeredo’ s bill is dangerous, and that the Ministry is working in an alternative (among other things). We had already incited a public hearing that were very fruitful [pt-BR] and might have brought the Ministry to the issue.
But don’t relax just yet, folks! Right now, working in this “alternative”, are people with every kind of agenda… It’s safe to assume that some of them are from the same lobby that pushed Sen. Azeredo first version of the thing. So, yes, this was another victory, but nothing really changed… The bill is still approved by the Senate and still has to be reviewed by the Chamber-of-Deputies, and the alternative that will be presented by the Ministry is still under construction. What we accomplished is nothing more than making the Minister aware of the issue…
So, keep the pressure over your representatives, send messages to the Ministry, stating how you feel about the issue! Let’s show them what we want them to do… After all, that’s why we elected them, in the first place, isn’t it?
[Published also at Trezentos, in portuguese]
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