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fisl11 - Call for Presentations

3 de Maio de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.

The call for presentations for the 11th Fórum Internacional Software Livre (International Free Software Forum) -fisl11 - is now open. The event will take place from July 21 to 24, 2010, in the city of Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Proposals should be submitted by May 10, 2010, at

The Program Committee has defined 17 themes for fisl11:

* Development:PHP and Java
* Development: Python, Ruby, and Perl
* Development: Tools, Methodologies, and Standards
* Development: Other Languages (C/C++, Lua, Lisp, etc.)
* Development: Visual(Qt, GTK, WXWidgets, CSS, Ajax, accessibility...)
* Development: Content Manager (ECM/CMS, [micro]Blogs...)
* Games, Multimedia, and Streaming
* Desktop and Distributions
* Kernel, Filesystems, and Operating Systems
* Hardware, Embedded Systems, and Robotics
* System Administration and VoIP
* Security
* Data Management(DBMS, storage, backups)
* Business, Implementations, and Case Studies
* Free Software Ecosystem (Community, Philosophy, Legislation, and
Free Culture)
* Education and Digital Inclusion
* Emerging Topics

Development:PHP and Java

The focus of this track is technical presentations with topics
connected to development of the PHP and Java languages or to
development using these languages as well as their integration with
applications (or services), maintenance, comparisons and
performance analyses of these technologies.

Development: Python, Ruby, and Perl

The focus of this track is technical presentations with topics
connected to development of the Python, Ruby, and Perl languages or
to development using these languages as well as their integration
with applications (or services), maintenance, comparisons and
performance analyses of these technologies.

Development: Other Languages (C/C++, Lua, Lisp, etc.)

The focus of this track is technical presentations with topics
connected to development of free implementations of programming
languages or to development using these languages as well as their
integration with applications (or services), maintenance,
comparisons and performance analyses of these technologies.
Presentations on any free programming language EXCEPT PHP, Java,
Ruby, Python, and Perl are within the scope of this track.

Development: Tools, Methodologies, and Standards

The focus of this track is technical presentations with topics
connected to development with free software and version control,
development tools, free implementations of industry standards, and
free software development processes, as well as integration with
applications, maintenance, comparisons and performance analyses of
these technologies. The use of these tools, methodologies and
standards as well as their development is within the scope of this
track. Presentations which have a programming language as their
main theme should NOT be in this track.

Development: Visual(Qt, GTK, WXWidgets, CSS, Ajax, accessibility...)

The focus of this track is technical presentations with themes related
to visual development with free software, including both desktop
and web or mobile development. Development of accessible
interfaces, technical frameworks and technologies for interface
development (for example, Qt, GTK, WXWidgets, CSS, Ajax...),
maintenance, comparisons, and performance analyses of these
technologies. Both the use and development of these technologies
are within the scope of this track. Presentations which have a
programming language as their main theme should NOT be in this

Development: Content Manager (ECM/CMS, [micro]Blogs...)

The focus of this track is technical presentations with topics related
to so-called Web 2.0 systems; portals; blogs, microblogs; wikis and
other collaborative environments; peer to peer content provision;
maintenance, comparisons, and performance analyses of these
technologies. Both the use and development of these technologies
are within the scope of this track. Presentations which have a
programming language as their main theme should NOT be in this

Games, Multimedia, and Streaming

Presentations concerning techniques and tools for development of games
with Free Software. Innovations in free games. Challenges for the
free game community. Technical presentations concerning
development and implementation of multimedia content with free
software. Digital art with free software; 2-D and 3-D graphics;
technical design; animation; tools and applications for multimedia
content authoring with free software. Free platforms for
multimedia content execution.

Desktop and Distributions

Technical presentations on the use of free software on the desktop,
concerned with the achievement of daily tasks, whether in a
professional or home environment. Desktop platforms, applications
aimed at end users, office automation, Internet utilities, window
managers, productivity tools. Spacial desktop hardware platforms
based on free software; distribution customization; special-purpose
distributions. Presentations focused on distribution or desktop
environment communications should NOT be in this track.

Kernel, Filesystems, and Operating Systems

Technical presentations concerning the kernel of free operating
systems. Module development, different architectures, comparisons
and case studies related to free kernels for specific purposes or
architectures. Technical presentations concerning free
filesystems, their various implementation details, comparisons,
development and other topics related to free operating systems.
Note that topics related to customization of distributions should
NOT be in this track.

Hardware, Embedded Systems, and Robotics

Presentations related to the use and development of free software in
hardware, embedded systems, and robotics. Free platforms for
running on embedded systems. Adapting of free software to these
architectures. Specifications for Free Hardware. Performance
comparisons and analyses. Note that presentations concerning the
ecosystem of hardware, embedded systems, and free robotics should
NOT be in this track.

System Administration and VoIP

Technical presentations concerning administration of free systems in
general. Network services such as MTAs, user and group management,
authentication, monitoring, web servers, infrastructure, operating
system management, package management, system service machines,
presentations concerning voice over IP software and protocols, etc.


Presentations concerning security tools, firewalls, intrusion
detection systems, security policies, and other related issues.

Data Management(database, storage, backup)

Technical presentations concerning free databases, distributed
databases, unconventional (nonrelational) databases, PostgreSQL,
MySQL, Firebird, SQLite, and others; data storage and recovery,
NAS, DAS, SAN, and RAID technologies, protocols such as FCiP, FCoE,
iFCP, AoE, iSCSI, software such as FreeNAS, OpenFiler, Naslite 1,
higher-layer protocols such as NFS, CIFS, FTP, rsync, and others;
backup management systems, best practices, methodologies and
techniques for implementing solutions.

Business, Implementations, and Case Studies

Presentations of success stories (or lack-of-success stories) in the
adoption of free software by public and private institutions.
Studies of migration (planning, execution, and results). Studies
of institutions which went on to contribute to the community after
adopting free software. Barriers to migration; migration myths.
Presentations of free software products and services for public and
private institutions.

Free Software Ecosystem (Community, Philosophy, Legislation, and Free

Community, Philosophy, Legislation, and Free Culture. Presentations
which discuss aspects of the economic sustainability of free
software, the creation of a sustainable ecosystem of production and
consumption within the logic of sharing. Political and legal
aspects which influence the adoption and development of free
software. Public policies related to free software: licensing,
trademarks, copyrights, legislation, incentives, programs. Free
software and the solidarity-based economy. Business models for
free software-based enterprises. Social projects related to the
free software community developed by NGOs, user groups, etc. Forms
of organization of groups within the free software community.
Social consequences of the free software production model.
Relationship between the free software community and other social
movements. Gender issues and Free Software. Influence of the
culture of sharing upon society.

Education and Digital Inclusion

Presentations concerning Free Software and its impacts on education.
The influence of the free software community's culture in education
and social inclusion projects. Free software and accessibility.
Digital inclusion projects based on free software: planning,
execution, and results. Use of free software by digital inclusion
project communities. Educating with free software and educating
for free software: competition versus cooperation.

Emerging Topics

Presentation of applications implemented using buzzwords and new
technologies that are not covered by the previous tracks.


Program Committee

11th Forum Internacional Software Livre - fisl11
International Free Software Forum
21~24::Julho||July::2010 - Porto Alegre - Brasil

Tags deste artigo: fisl2010

Eventos de Software Livre no Brasil