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Migrating from Fedora to openSUSE part 02

17 de Novembro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Seguindo nossa série de artigos sobre como migrar de um ambiente Fedora para o openSUSE, hoje será apresentado a YaST, como configurar seus repósitório, instalação de programas. compiz.

Em ingles, segue então a tradução livre do artigo  Migrando de Fedora para openSUSE escrito pelo também Embaixador openSUSE Alexandre Moura - Rasta! - Xnd


Migrating from Fedora to openSUSE part2

Reprinting this article, following a tip from a comment I decided to narrow the list of repositories, avoiding problems with different versions of packages available in many repositories.
Below the article, we have more topics

2.1 YaST
Anyone who has used the Suse/openSUSE at some point should already know about YaST, for those are unfamiliar, it is a tool for system configuration, such as the Windows Control Panel, it being a single point for hardware configuration, installation Softwares, Services Management, User Accounts etc... I think this model is better than several separated and loose tools like is system-config-etc for Fedora/RedHat. Their tools, YaST, are modules and can be removed/added/replaced without changing the central point of configuration.

2.1 Repositories
Configuration for extras Repositories on openSUSE is very cool. He already has a search service for community repositories so by the YaST2 you can add/remove repositories. You do not need to have any intervention by a single command line. For less experienced users, this is great.

Following is a list of repositories I added in my installation:

name=Repositório principal (NON-OSS)
name=Repositório principal (OSS)
name=Repositório principal (Contrib)
name=Repositório principal de atualização
name=Packman Repository


Installation Program

The Software Management Module for YaST is very similar to the Fedora Package-Manager, and for who already uses it will get no problems to operate YaST Software Management module. A small difference is due to the solver, a script responsible for resolving packages conflicts and dependency problems. It allows a better administration management for the System Administrator who can even ignore the problems and keep the environment inconsistent. I do not think this is good for less experienced users. For more advanced users, there are other ways to do this. In my opinion point to Fedora in this topic.

CompizFusion / Sax2

Unfortunately this version 11.3, the Sax2 was left out. Sax2 configuration tool is a video, and I thought the differential openSUSE. Whenever I missed a tool like this in the other distros. Anyway, I had no problem with setting up video on my desktop. The hardware was detected and did not need to configure anything, just as it was with Fedora and Ubuntu. As for CompizFusion the openSUSE comes with a configuration module for Desktop Effects with some more features than Fedora and Ubuntu. But is less complete than the compizconfig-settings. Anyway, I liked this compiz setup tool, which is already integrated into the system, no need to install additional packages to set up some extra effects. Advantage for openSUSE.


At the end of this article, as a desktop I evaluate the openSUSE as a very good desktop, with some advantages compared to Ubuntu and Fedora, and some others, so let the three at the same level. In the next article we will talk about installing codecs and plugins (Java, Flash and videos) Google Chromium and Adobe Reader.


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Fonte: Carlos Ribeiro

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