Thomas Soares is a metallurgical engineer for over 10 years is publisher, researcher and militant pro free and clean energy, and is an active member of the open source community and one of the names behind the FISL organization. In an interview with portal, Thomas talked about the need to develop alternative technologies to the use of hydrocarbon fuels, the average fuel, using burning to generate energy.
Beside Luiz Montanher, Thomas are developing a technology that uses gas Hydroxy (HHO) as a catalyst in hydrocarbon motor fuels, such as alcohol, gasoline and diesel. The use of this new technology improves fuel combustion, improving engine performance and significantly reducing the emission of pollutants.
The laboratory vehicle "modified" can be seen during the International Free Software Forum and developers are now seeking outlets and take the project to the next level, where the hydroxy gas not only acts as a catalyst, but is the main fuel.
Thomas also explained why you want to keep the project open source and free, claiming to be the only possible way, because with the free software community contribution, technology can continue to evolve.
To have a clear understanding of how the energy revolution can transform society, the functioning of its economy and the relationship with the environment, listen to the full interview!
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