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Rádio Software Livre

FISL 14 - Ao vivo





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marto 19, 2013 0:00 , by Gabriel Galli - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 904 times

Workshops are an opportunity to a hands-on learning event. Activities will be in the grid shortly.

Where are the workshops going to happen?

Workshops will happen in special places at the fair. We'll disclose the room's numbers a few weeks before the event.

Do I need to carry something in order to participate?

Yes, you need to have a laptop (preferably), but also: some workshops demand previous knowledge on the subject, others will demand that you have specific softwares installed, or it is still possible that some workshops be given in english or spanish, in which case you need to know your way in these languages.

Anything else?

Please remember that workshops will teach you a lot, but they don't provide any kind of certificate.

To know the specifications and requirements for each activity, click the box for the correspoding activity in the programming grid.